Happy Programmer’s Day!

Happy Programmer’s Day!
The curious reason why September 13 was chosen as Programmer’s Day is because it is the 256th day of the year and 256 is the number of numbers that can be represented with 8 bits; or its equivalent, that is, 1 byte. In addition, 256 is the highest power of 2 that is less than 365. Another figure that has nothing casual, since it is precisely the number of days in a year that is not a leap year.
Obviously we are talking about computer programmers, those people who through codes and labels have managed to interconnect the world and make our lives much simpler. Also in the taxi sector.
Nowadays, almost all the electronic devices that surround us have been programmed by one of these geniuses.
In the particular case of Taxitronic, we can affirm that in 1976 its first milestone was born with the launch of the first electronic taximeter on the market based on a microprocessor. The TX4 was born with a resounding success, followed by the TX10 and TX14. Taxitronic’s commitment to innovation and computer programmers has been fundamental, and today we have an R&D department to be proud of.
Our most sincere congratulations to all programmers and especially to our great team of professionals!